Tractor Rally In Trenton, NJ
One of the requirements of our school is that we attend events that are relevant to the equine industry and agriculture. Local farmers in New Jersey have been concerned that our Governor has made a proposal to eliminate funding to the New Jersey Department of Agriculture. So as an "educated agricultural" student I decided to become involved and attend a scheduled protest in Trenton to insure that agriculture in New Jersey will not be over looked. Farmers from all over New Jersey brought tractors and livestock to our state capital in Trenton. For those of you who are not familiar with Trenton...lets just say that tractors and livestock are not part of the usual city landscape!
I spent the day with fellow students and farmers and I can say for sure that our state assembly got a small picture of the passion behind farming in the Garden State. I have never been a part of any political action group before and I am proud that I was there to help make sure that the farmers made their concerns known. I have made many friends of students that have family farms across the East Coast and I now realize how hard it is for that industry to maintain their income and traditions. I think we need to thank the farmers across the country for all the work they do and the contributions that they make for all of us.
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