Sunday, December 02, 2007

Dressage Team Try Outs!!

If you have read previous posts you probably remember me trying out for the Dressage team at the beginning of last year and you probably also remember how I didn't actually make the team. Well its a new year so I am going to try out again! Since I was able to work with the Dressage coach a little bit over the summer I am feeling a little more confident about what he is looking for in a rider. Since I was placed in Intermediate for the IHSA shows that automatically puts me in High Training for IDA. The classes are a little different in IDA than IHSA. The walk/trot test is Intro level, then comes low training, then high training and last is First level. So I am pretty nervous about how my ride is going to go since there is a lot expected from high training riders.

So it is my turn to ride, thank goodness because I was really starting to get nervous watching all of the students ride. Pressure is really on because there are really only two open spots in high training and about 10 people trying out for it!!

I walked to middle of the ring where all of the horses were standing and my heart was beating harder and harder as I thought about which horse Angelo was going to put me on. When he pointed to Breezin' I felt a wave of relief. Breezin' is the "saint" of the barn. He is an old appaloosa, probably just shy of 15 HH. I have never ridden him before but to say the least Breezin' is not a Dressage horse, so I knew that Angelo was just thinking that it would be funny to watch...every one else agreed. After about 5 minutes of me trying to push him into a frame that he has not felt in about 10 years I was switched to a more typical Dressage horse.

Well I guess he liked the way I rode Breezin' because I am now on the Dressage Team!!!! I am so excited to work with Angelo and further my Dressage riding. I am now a member of every discipline riding team that the school has to offer!!! You know what that means right?! More Riding!!!! Haha I guess I just can't get enough, I am sure you all know how that is.




At Mon Dec 17, 09:21:00 PM GMT-5, Blogger Nansea said...

It's great reading your blogs on the equestrian team at Del Val. I rode for the team there years ago and your stories remind me of when I tried out and showed. There was no dressage team then but I fell in love with dressage there and have been riding dressage ever since. Good luck on the team!

At Tue Dec 18, 10:37:00 AM GMT-5, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on making the dressage team!!! I can't wait to here more about competitions.

At Sun Jan 06, 06:35:00 PM GMT-5, Blogger Pony Tail Club said...

Congrats on making the team! I hope to ride in college too!

At Fri Jan 11, 05:11:00 PM GMT-5, Blogger Rising Rainbow said...

Congrats on making the team. I didn't realize there was a system or circuit for riding while in school. That is pretty darn cool.


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