Monday, September 24, 2007

Back to the Exciting World of Del Val

Last year my roommate and I requested to live in the newest dorm on campus so living conditions are very different this year than they were last year. This dorm is like a hotel with carpeting, central air, wireless internet and our very own shower!! I suppose if you haven't yet experienced college life you wouldn't be able to appreciate what a luxury your own shower is, but if you plan on going to college you will understand the thrill.

This semester I am taking 17 credits, some classes are strictly about equine health and the equine industry such as Equine Nutrition, Horse Show Management and of course my riding class Principles of Jumping. I know what you thinking... you get credits for riding??!! Haha Yes I do, that is the beauty of being an equine studies major :). The other classes are open to all majors here at Del Val, Intro to Business, Spanish I and First Aid/CPR. By far my most difficult class will be Equine Nutrition, but it will also be one of the most valuable classes this semester.

Getting back into my old routine of classes and school work is easier than I thought it would be. I am excited to get this year rollin'!!


At Tue Oct 09, 10:48:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've got a nice setup this year!!

At Wed Oct 10, 08:35:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sara,
Does your horse show season start right away or are you just preparing and training for the season right now?


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